Pablo Ruiz Get Wekk Thumb

As a Club, Real Salt Lake is both thrilled to announce the contract extension of lynchpin midfielder Pablo Ruiz, and heartbroken by the news of his second consecutive serious injury, only months after recovering from his previous knee issue. 

While we know Pablo’s mentality and strength will guide him through this trying time, Club staff, coaches and teammates also wanted to offer their words of support for our midfielder who’s been with the Club for six years. 

These words are for you, Pablito, from us:

“Pablo, in our short time together, you have demonstrated yourself to be a top professional, and more importantly a top man.  As someone who has gone through 2 ACL surgeries, I know that it is a difficult challenge ahead for you, but also that you will conquer it and come out even stronger!  We are TOGETHER with you.” 

Jason Kreis - Front Office

“Bueno animal quiero decirte, mas que darte mucho animo, espero que tu recuperación pase lo más rápido posible, sabes lo que te quiero y lo que te aprecio y que estos momento difíciles pasan siempre por algo y sin duda de que esto te va a fortalecer mucho como jugador, como persona, para poder seguir adelante porque ya demostraste haber salido de una lección importante anteriormente y no tengo duda de que lo vas a volver a hacer. 

Acá el equipo entero vamos a estar esperando tu vuelta, yo personalmente te deseo de todo corazón que te recuperes lo antes posible y sabes que acá tienes un amigo para lo que sea, y ahora más que nunca siento que tengo que estar contigo, apoyándote en esta recuperación y nada hermano. Te quiero como eso, como un hermano y aquí me tienes para lo que necesites y te deseo siempre todo lo mejor. Un abrazo grande y te quiero mucho.” 

Marcelo Silva - RSL Defender

“My heart breaks for Pablo.

His contributions on the field are invaluable; he plays with such heart and intensity that it's impossible to not be pumped up just by watching him. Whether it's his goal celebrations or him embracing his teammates, the passion that he plays with will surely be missed this season.

Off of the field, I get the privilege of hearing from our fans and season ticket holders about how awesome of a guy he is. During his last injury, he was down on the field for warmups on his crutches. I watched a fan walk up to him on the field during warmups and start asking him questions.

Part of my job is to keep the fans in a designated area, so when I tried to remove this fan from talking with Pablo, Pablo assured us that he would like to talk to him. This was on the field 10 minutes before the game, when he could have easily walked away and I would have escorted the fan back.

Instead, he talked with the fan and gave them a memory they will never forget. I think that proves the kind of guy he is. I hope that he is able to find peace in this hard time, and I have no doubt that he will be back better than ever.

All the best Pablo, the entire RSL family is behind you.”

Courtney Kelshaw - Ticketing 

“When we saw it happen, I think there was a collective feeling of the air going out of the room. No one could believe it. It was a terrible situation.

You could just feel from the whole team, how everyone just feels so bad for him, but we know he's going to come back stronger. 

We know the type of person he is. We know the strength that he has and the mentality that he has that he's always gonna give a hundred percent. He's gonna do that with his rehabbing and come back even stronger than before. It's devastating that it happens to such a good guy that's such a great teammate to such an Important part of the team and I think everyone is there with him in his pain and his suffering. I just wish there was more we could do to help him through this time.

He knows that we all have his back and are there for him with anything he needs. We're just sending him all the love, all the support that we can to get him through this tough time.”

Justen Glad - RSL Defender

“There are no words that will make you feel better right now but just know you are in the best hands and that you have everyone here to help you through. When things are feeling hard, there will always be someone to lift you up and make you smile.

We are all with you EVERY step of the way!! YOU GOT THIS!!”

Kelly Cousins - URFC Sporting Director

“As a person, Pablo is somebody that just enlightens the room that he walks into, you always see him and you see the love that he has for people, the love that he has for soccer, and the love that he has for his family. Just a great human being overall and somebody that uplifts the team.

The most important thing is trying to keep a collective group together and he is one of those guys that does that really well for us. You know he has grown a lot in his time here with us and with the English speaking players and the Spanish speaking players I think he does a really good job bridging the gap and helping uplift that team spirit and help make us that one unit.

Personally I have gone through a similar situation with him, so i know really exactly what he is going through and for situations like this its just having the support and knowing that people are there for you and I know that he is going to feel that from his teammates and the staff around him so we're excited to see where this takes him and the new opportunities that it will lead to.”

Johnny Fabrizuis - RSL Applied Sport Scientist

“I just feel so terrible for a guy who worked so hard to get back to where he did. And then to have this happen, is very tough for him. And he needs to know that the whole team is behind them.

The whole club is behind them. And I'm going to be checking in on him all the time to make sure that he's in a good spot and that he comes back stronger than ever when he's done with his rehab.”

Zac MacMath - RSL Goalkeeper


Bendiciones para una pronta recuperación. Esperamos que regreses pronto a la cancha. Te amamos.”

Marck Mendoza - Marketing

“Pablo, I just wish you the best. Obviously, I first came to the club last year and now playing as a pivot, I keep just looking at all the tendencies that you have, and then trying to emulate it, you know, because you’re so good with the ball with your passing range It's a big loss.

I know you had an injury last season, but came back very strong this preseason. So I already know after this year you’re going to come back even stronger and I just want you to know that you have my full support, you have the club's full support, and I just wish you the very best in your recovery and know we're with you every step of the way.”

Emeka Eneli - RSL Midfielder

“Everyone in this Club loves you and we are all here to support you … you are emblematic of the heart and soul of RSL - since 2018 we have become better because of your abilities on and off the field …

I know you will come back stronger than ever and we will win trophies together here at RSL!”

Trey Fitz-Gerald - Communications 

“Fue algo que nosotros no nos esperábamos, en el momento en que paso ai en la cancha se vio todo el momento de dolor, pues la verdad es que todos lo sentimos.

Mal porque es su segunda vez que le pasa esto y mas que todo porque esta fue mas complicada y más larga que la otra, y quiero darle mis palabras de aliento, y si pudo salir de una, de dos también se puede. Y que venga lo mejor para el en todo esto de la recuperación, estaremos allí para lo que necesite.

Le deseo lo mejor en el mundo, muchos éxitos y esperamos verlo pronto en las canchas como lo hemos estado haciendo desde que el a vuelto de su lesión. Lo vamos a extrañar mucho porque es primeramente una gran persona antes que jugador, se ven la vibras que el tiene, el aliento que nos da a cada uno de nosotros y como te dije, lo vamos a extrañar muchísimo y mucha pena por lo que le paso y esperamos una pronta recuperación.”

Anderson Julio - RSL Forward

“I’ve had the pleasure of knowing Pablo since the day he showed up to his first RSL preseason camp as a teenager. Seeing him grow and evolve as a human has been a thrill to watch. This injury is just another chapter in his story. One that will lead to the best parts of his unwritten book. I can’t wait to see it all unfold knowing he has the full support of the club, supporters, staff & team by his side.”

Tyler Gibbons - Marketing 

“Pablo, life doesn't always give you what you want, but I know you're strong enough to overcome it.  You've done it before and I know you can do it again.  We're all with you.  We look forward to seeing you again, playing the best football you've ever played and that we’ve seen in your career.” 

Matt Crooks - RSL Midfielder

“His ability to work with guys I think has been incredible, even through the last injury, still coming in. To the locker room and doing things. I remember one time Marcelo, I believe his mother had passed away and Pablo came in and talked like, hey, let's do this for Marcello, let's do this for him, and for our brother, and for our family. So, I think he's been a great teammate.I love the way that he plays. He signifies what we need in the game.  He's not just a good person on the field, he's also a good person off the field. He continues to be a class act. Just keep telling him that he's part of the team. Whatever it is, if it's surgery or coming in to do rehab, like he’s still with us, we're still thinking about him. If you ever need anything, you know, talk to anybody on the team.”

Ben Chavez - Equipment Manager

“Working in the fan service department at RSL, one of the most beloved players amongst the community is Pablo Ruiz. His hard work, charisma, and dependability keeps bringing fans back, and new ones to stay. Excited for his return!” 

Lacey Hancok - Ticketing

“You have the support of our entire club, Pablo. Myself and everyone else here is cheering you on every step of the way. I know you'll come back even stronger!”

Kiki Solano - Marketing 

“You know, I came to the club six years ago, almost seven years ago, and Pablo was just coming in. He had some setbacks, went to Austria and things like that, but it's so amazing to see his growth as a person and as a player and become a real leader on the field and off the field. So obviously we'll miss him tremendously. I can't wait for him to come back because we know that he's going to attack his rehab and he'll be back in no time.”

Mirza Hirambasic - RSL Goalkeeper Coach

“Paso por aqui para desearte pronta recuperación manin en tu proceso, que no te desanimes manin con mucha fuerza en la recuperación, que todo lo que pasa es dios con un propósito, si te eligió a ti es porque tiene un propósito más grande para lo que viene y pues que no te desanimes manin, y que vamos a estar acá apoyándote, el club, el equipo, nosotros los latinos para que todo sea más fácil en tu recuperación, y que eches muchos ánimos manin, que las cosas no pasan porque sí ó porque no, las cosas pasan porque dios lo permite así, y si dios decidió eso fue porque tiene algo muy bueno preparado para ti y que dios te bendiga enormemente y que te aferres mucho a ellos manito, y pa delante con berraquera, obviamente vamos a extrañar un jugador como vos manin, a que la tire larga al espacio pero bueno, bendiciones manin, pronto recuperaciones y fuerte manin. Te mando un fuerte abrazo.”

Andres Gomez - RSL Forward

“Hey Pablo!  We all know it sucks right now, but it’s just another bump in the road on the way to cementing yourself as the club legend you’re already well on your way to being.  The Riot is behind you 100%, and we all look forward to you coming back stronger than ever!”

Nic Osterhout - Merchandising 

“I think what happened to Pablo is something to show that, every day is not guaranteed on the field.I think you have to be careful every time you get to step on the soccer field and put the shoes on. So I think that's one thing that everybody needs to take more seriously. I think about it as, God always has a plan for you. So I think, you know, he's gonna come back stronger, he's gonna build himself back up, and I think we're all gonna be there to support him throughout this difficult time. I can't imagine what he's going through mentally but I think overall I think we'll be here to support him and I think he's gonna come back stronger and, and kill it 2025.”

Diego Luna - RSL Midfielder

“Pablo, sending lots of love and strength your way as you work through your injury. We are going to miss you and your energy out on the field this season. Wishing you a speedy and successful recovery! ❤️”

Autumn Jensen - Corporate Sponsorships

“I think Pablo is a great person, I think he’s parlayed that with being a great player on the field and this year his leadership in the locker room was fantastic. It is so unfortunate to lose a player that is so significant to the team, to the club, and to all the different relationships that he’s built over the years, but he’s got a great mindset, he is ready to endure the recovery and get back as soon as possible.

I think I’ve been fortunate enough to work with Pablo over the last 4 years, I see a guy that consistently tries to improve his game, get better and now with his leadership and what he means to the younger generation I think it’s a great opportunity for us to have a great player and for Pablo to keep growing and developing as a top notch MLS midfielder.

I think with everything it’s really about putting your arm around him, spending time with him away from the game and just knowing that he’s got a group of guys that really care about him whether he's injured or not.”

Pablo Mastroeni - RSL Head Coach

“Pablo, mi hermano, solo quería desearte que te recuperes lo mas rápido posible. Sé que es duro para ti y para tu familia volver a pasar por este proceso, pero como ya tu sabes, ya tu lo pasaste y sabes que cuando regreses vas a volver más fuerte y nosotros, como compañeros y familia tuya, siempre vamos a estar aquí para lo que necesites para apoyarte a ti y a tu familia. Mucha fuerza y aquí estamos para lo que necesites.”

Maikel Chang - RSL Forward

“Pablo, I know you're going through a difficult time, but we are here. We've been a family for a long time, and you know we're going to be here to help you move forward. You're going to have your son, who is always supporting you, and your wife. I hope you can get well from this and that this is one of the last ones you have to go through.

I wish you the best and I love you a lot.”

Yanide Fernandez - RSL Massage Therapist

“I haven't known Pablo much in terms of timeline, but from what I know, he's a mentally strong guy and he has a lot of passion for the game, so he'll do anything to get back. Being hurt back to back isn't isn't fun, but, if there's somebody that I can go along this journey with this year, it definitely is him.”

Kevin Bonilla - RSL Defender

Pablo, por dónde empezar... Me duele por ti porque sé lo dedicado, apasionado y emocionado que has estado para hacer tu regreso. Hablamos sobre este momento durante tanto tiempo, hemos hecho entrevistas, videos, muchas cosas para resaltar lo que ese momento significaría para ti (y sé que lo significaba todo), nunca en un millón de años imaginando que esto volvería a suceder.

 Si hay algo que he aprendido de ti es lo resiliente que eres y lo motivado que estás para superar cualquier cosa. Y sobre todo, sé cuánto te inspira tu hijo cada día de tu vida y sé que si hay alguien que te ayudará a superar esto, es él. No eres alguien que se rinde, si acaso, eres alguien que supera cualquier obstáculo, eres alguien que nunca se rinde, y eres alguien que demostrará una y otra vez que puedes hacer cualquier cosa. 

Aunque mi corazón se duele por ti, sé que si hay alguien que puede recuperarse de esto, eres tú. Estamos aquí para ti en cada paso del camino, estamos aquí para ti y no tengo dudas de que volverás más fuerte que nunca.

Delmy Barillas - Communications 

“First of all, as a person leads by example. Somebody that has the right mentality and approach to training and everyday I think he is somebody that provides a really good example for younger players.

Whatever activity we put on in training, whether is a passing exercise, rondo, whether its tactical he always tries to execute to the highest level and I think that is really important for the younger players to look up too and as a player he is obviously got an incredible amount of talent, fantastic left foot, able to dictate the tempo of games due to his level of technical quality so he is going to be a huge miss for us and we are all obviously devastated by whats happened.

I think it is great news for the club long term, again I think that is testament to what he's done here in his time at RSL and it is obviously just a bit of a blow and a big shame that we are going to be missing his leadership qualities and what he brings on the field. 

It is something that we spoke about today. I think communication is the biggest thing. I think it's making him aware that we are supporting him, whether that's via text or phone call, and when he is here just showing that we care. 

I think that is a big part of our jobs as coaches, is to be there as support for the players because most of us coaches that have played know what it's like and we know that unfortunately in this industry there’s probably more downs then there are ups especially when players go through injuries.

It's a very difficult period but I think myself and Pablo and some of the other coaches that have been there are able to empathize with him and we are able to use our own experiences and try to provide some sort of perspective and motivation. I think Pablo said that in his instagram post, I think that is something that I have always been big on with players, when they have injuries just to make sure that when you come back how can you be better? 

How can you utilize this time while you can’t play football in other areas in the gym from a physiological standpoint and then still be around and providing advice for the other players because they are not in the thick of the battle so sometimes those are the times Pablo will be able to use his voice and encouragement and use his leadership qualities in a different way even though he is not on the field.    

Anthony Pulis - RSL Assistant Coach

“It’s indescribable how important you are to this team’s core! We’re all behind you, vamos!!!”

Jaxon Edwards - Ticketing

“Yeah, I think it's really unfortunate. We lost him. He's a leader of our team. Obviously, like last year, he was one of our biggest players and to lose him.It hurts everyone.  To see where he was last year, now he has some time off. Hopefully he comes back stronger and better, but we all miss him and,  and yeah, we all feel for him.”

Ilijah Paul - RSL Forward

“Estimado Pablo, 

Siento mucho que te hayas vuelto a lesionar y que te vayas a perder el resto de la temporada. Sabemos cómo te sientes y que la frustración que sientes seguramebte no te deja ver la luz al final del túnel y quizás piensas que la suerte te ha girado la espalda. 

Pero también sabemos que eres un gran luchador y que pronto volverás a emocionarnos con tus habilidades. En estos momentos tan difíciles en tu carrera profesional hay que mirar hacia adelante y ser positivos. Todo el equipo te apoya y desea de todo corazón que te recuperes rápido para volver a incorporarte lo antes posible. Te envío mucha fuerza, energía y coraje para superar los próximos meses. Se disciplinado y perseverante durante tu recuperación.


Bob Caldwell - Legal

“Yeah, I mean he's like a reference point for a lot of people here at the club.  Obviously everyone's just hurting for him because of what happened to him last year and this year.  It's tough like that. 

This is going to challenge our group for sure. This is how football is and so you have to accept it and just support him. I think it's especially important not to just support him right at first because usually then people forget about you after the first few weeks in a month. So it's supporting him long term emotionally too. But man, he's been like a part of the furniture of the club, so it makes it a lot harder.”

Nate Miller - RSL Assistant Coach

“Pablo, te envío este mensaje de ánimo compañero usted es un guerrero, sé que te vas a recuperar de esta lesión amigo, papá Dios sabe como hace las cosas y porque las hace. Dios tiene algo mejor para ti, tienes el apoyo de tu familia y de todos nosotros que somos tu segunda familia. Compartir la cancha con usted en pretemporada fue algo muy emocionante para mí, eres un crack y una excelente persona. Gracias por todos esos consejos y el apoyo que me brindaste al compartir cancha con usted, pronta recuperación amigo bendiciones.”

Omar Alba - Real Monarchs Defender

“Pablo es un buen muchacho. Ya lo conozco desde hace varios años desde que llegó a Real Salt Lake. Ese muchacho ha crecido bastante futbolística y ha madurado mucho y para mi es una gran persona, y un excelente jugador de fútbol. 

Sin duda esto le va portar a la institución porque sin duda tiene mucho talento, tiene mucho fútbol todavía para darle a la organización. La verdad me alegra mucho que haya firmado un nuevo contrato porque la verdad se lo ganó y se lo merece.

Es un momento muy difícil para él y su carrera, una lesión de esta sin duda va estar en su cabeza por mucho tiempo. Va necesitar mucho apoyo. Yo siguiendo hablando le, en como esta y ayudándole en lo que mas podamos, y tratar en ser muy positivos con el porque en este momento va ser lo que necesita.”

Jamison Olave - RSL Assistant Coach


You are such an important part of our team, on and off the field. Your passion and love for the game has carried us through the highs and lows. Wishing you a speedy recovery!”

Keegan Robb - Ticketing

“Pablo, mi hermano, mi amigo, sabes que cuentas con todo el equipo. Te vamos a esperar con mucho amor, y vamos a espérarte con mucho cariño, esperamos que te recuperes lo más pronto posible para que puedas aportarnos a todos, te queremos mucho hermano.”

Chicho Arango - RSL Forward

“Pablo, amigo, i’m sorry that you had this injury my friend, as athletic trainers we hate to see our athletes get hurt, especially right after coming back from another big injury and big surgery but you got through the first one, you’re very good with your rehab, very dedicated, a big hard worker and a leader on this team and we support you and we’re being you going forward with this big surgery and I know it’s going to be hard for you, your family and your career but we all believe in you.

We know you have the will power and strength to power through it and anything you need we’re all here to support you and excited to watch you come back stronger, better for the next season. Please continue to work hard, please keep an open mind and be patient with the process, it’s not easy but we’re here to support you with anything you need, please let us know how we can help you and best of luck my friend.”

Luke Cantin - RSL Assistant Athletic Trainer

“Wishing you a speedy recovery! Remember, we're all by your side, inspired by your strength and courage. Your resilience lights the way for so many of us. Take care and get well soon!”

Mandi Hildt - Marketing

“As a person he is unbelievable, great person, great dad, great teammate, works his tail off all the time. On the field he is definitely going to be missed, not many people in the league can keep the ball the way he does, it felt like he was just starting to get into form, coming off a previous injury. 

I think anytime your club can have a player of his caliber commit for a number of years, I think it says a lot about what the club is doing and the players and their vision for the club as well. We are obviously excited that he is committing his future here for a while and hopefully he comes back even stronger. 

I think it’s just everyday showing up and making sure he knows he’s part of the group still, feels loved and cared for and just sticking alongside him on this journey.”

Joel Delass - RSL Assistant Coach

“Hola Pablito, sabe lo que usted significa para nosotros hermanos, mucha fuerza en esta etapa, usted sabe que es muy dura y soy el único que sabe lo que significa estar tanto tiempo fuera … hermano mucha fuerza, que Dios te bendiga y lo vamos a estar esperándo. Fuerza!”

Brayan Vera - RSL Defender

“Sending best wishes to you and your loved ones during this time you're going through. We're grateful for all you've done for the club and will never forget the impact you've made on so many during your tenure here. Adelante hermano!”

Brady Ulloa - Marketing

“First and foremost, Pablo has been a great teammate ever since I've been at this club. We've both been here a while and developed a relationship that extends off the field, I'd say.

So, you know, I'm devastated for him, but I know the kind of person he is and the character and motivation that he has that he'll be back stronger than ever. I just want Pablo to know that we're here for every single step of the way, whatever he needs. You know, he has a bunch of brothers in the locker room that will support him no matter what.”

Andrew Brody - RSL Defender

“You have the belief and support of the Royals staff behind you! Looking forward to seeing you come back stronger than ever”

Emma Grace Barton - URFC Admin

“You know he is an unbelievable player and I think he is an even better person. He is always here early and leaves late and he has worked so tremendously hard to get where he is right now and he’s battled through a lot of stuff and I don’t think that this injury will change that and he will come back stronger. 

Yeah, it’s awesome you know it’s someone that is a staple within the community, within the club and he's always working hard, putting in great shifts and he’s a great teammate to play with so it's awesome. 

Always be there for him if he needs a shoulder to lean on and just always being supportive.”

Gavin Beavers - RSL Goalkeeper


Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time. Wishing you a speedy recovery and hope to see you back on the field soon as you are a key member of the RSL family. RSL Nation is behind you - you've got this!!! Stay strong, stay positive, and please let our family know how we can help in any way.”

Matt Rader - Ticketing

“Pablo, what's up, brother? This is Holt. Hope you're doing well. The team's behind you, and we can't wait to have you back.

Speedy recovery, and look forward to having you around.” 

Eric Holt - RSL Defender

“Pablo: You are a wonderful member of Real Salt Lake and have played your heart out time and again. I pray for a full and quick recovery and look forward to seeing you return to bring our club championships. Remember all of the great moments you have had and work harder than ever. THANK YOU! See you soon!”

Jon Spencer - Academy

“That's my bro. Just keep pushing. You're a genius, bro. That left foot is magic. Just keep doing what you're doing and stay strong, and come back even stronger. This is tough. I can't even imagine two ACLs in a row. All I can say is that you're a strong man. I heard from everybody, from Marcelo, from everyone, you’ll definitely get over this.

Just stay strong. You got the right people around you. The club cares. Everybody cares. Your teammates. I came into the locker room, everybody was so sad because you were hurt. That says a lot. Keep pushing, keep fighting. It's going to go by quickly.

Speed recovery.  And yeah, hopefully God, God is good with you to give you the strength, bro.” 

Axel Kei - RSL Forward

“I mean, I think it's obvious what he does for us on the field. But off the field having such a good attitude every day. Being an example for a lot of guys.

Connecting with everybody. You know, that's what a teammate is,  that's what we want out of a teammate. My thoughts and prayers are out to him and his family. I've  been through injuries like this and they suck.

There's no better way to put it. So yeah, just praying for him to keep his head high.  And he'll come back stronger.”

Zack Farnsworth - RSL Defender

“Pablo, we are so sad to hear the news of your injury. We know how valuable you are as a member of the first team, but we feel even more for you as a person. We know how hard the rehab process can be on people, and we want you to know we are here to support you through that any way that we can. Here's to a speedy recovery, and knowing that the best is still yet to come! We are lucky to have a passionate leader like you, and we are behind you!”

Connor Buhler - Ticketing

“Hola Pablito, quiero decirte que te deseamos lo mejor, espero en Jovial Dios que vuelvas pronto. Apóyate en Dios y en tu familia para que todo pase pronto y de aquí te estamos apoyando. Recuerda que somos tu familia y te queremos. 

Hi Pablito, I want to say that we are wishing you the best, I hope and pray to god that you come back soon. Lean on god and on your family so that everything passes soon and we’re standing by you. Always remember that we’re family and we love you.”

Bryan Oviedo - RSL Defender

“Our hearts are extended to an amazing player and member of the RSL family. We stand by you as we await your healing and return”

- RSL Sponsorship Services 

“Yeah, Pablo is a great teammate, you know. He always wants to win, and  he always brings energy. He's just a good guy that you want around the locker room. I think the best thing we can do as a club is just be there for anything he needs and keep making him feel like he's part of the team the whole season.”

Bode Hidalgo - RSL Defender

“Hey Pablo, don’t let this injury be a factor of who you are and change who you are, use this as a learning experience to grow stronger and become a better player, friend and person. Always remember the whole RSL team is behind you and we’re here for whatever you need.”

Nolan Hanrahan- Seasonal Athletic Trainer:

“He is a super great player, he is super important for the team. We are extremely sad for him and we wish him a quick recovery, so that he can come back stronger. Courage to him and his family. I know it is not easy for his family to have kids and hope that he can come back to the team strong.”

Bertin Jacquesson - RSL Forward

“As a teammate, he's been very welcoming. Just like the whole team, all the guys have been so good. And Pablo, too, as a guy who has been here a little longer, you know, super welcoming,  made the transition into a new team, the new environment very easy. And as a footballer, I mean, we all know he has an unbelievable left foot. You know, awareness on the field sees the game very well. He’s a good footballer and an even better person.”

Noel Caliskan - RSL Midfielder

“We are so grateful to have you as part of the RSL family! positive vibes being sent your way”

- Anonymous RSL employee 

"Pablito, just want you to know how much it’s been a joy to watch you on the field these last couple years, and to get to know you off it. Players with your passion can never be held down long, you’ll get through this and be better for it. We’re all behind you, my friend!"

Johnny Keeley - Marketing